Laughing Squid January 28, 2025
Percussionist Uses Massage Gun Against a Sheet Metal Shed to Add a Cool Reverberating Sound
Canmaster Smash cleverly placed a massage gun against a metal shed to add a cool reverberating sound while playing drums.
A Pair of Perplexed Golden Retrievers Discuss How to Retrieve a Tennis Ball Sunken in a Pool
Ozzy Man provided voices for a pair of perplexed golden retrievers who wanted to retrieve a yellow tennis ball at the bottom of the pool.
A Long Twisty High Speed Hot Wheels Track That Starts Inside a House and Ends Up in a Park
BRUTALMENACE created long twisty high speed Hot Wheels track that runs through the house, out the back door, and into a park.
Man Angrily Brushes Snow Off the Back Window of a Car in a Clear Case of 'Canadian Road Rage'
A man who was was upset by a car that cut him off, angrily brushed off the snow from their back window in a case of "Canadian Road Rage".
The Bee Gees Perform a Poignant Cover of Bob Dylan's 'Blowin' in the Wind' Live on Television in 1963
A very young version of the Bee Gees performed a truly poignant cover of the Bob Dylan song "Blowin' in the Wind" in 1963.
Funny Black Cat Crab Walks Around the Apartment With an Almond In Her Mouth
A funny black cat named Ari hilariously walks like a crab around her human's apartment while carrying an almond in her mouth.
Yoann Bourgeois Performs a Acrobatic Routine Falling Off Staircase and Bouncing Back Up Off a Trampoline
Yoann Bourgeois performed an acrobatic routine of climbing and falling off a stairway, bouncing back on trampoline, and resuming his climb.