Laughing Squid February 25, 2025
Sir David Attenborough Befriends a Giant Animated Dinosaur at the Natural History Museum in London
Sir David Attenborough befriended a giant animated female Diplodocus dinosaur at the Natural History Museum in London.
How Researchers Are Using AI to Learn How Spanish Carrion Crows Communicate With Each Other
Researchers at the University of León and Earth Species Project are using AI programs to learn how carrion crows communicate with each other.
Frank Reynolds Makes His Overbearing Presence Known in 'Cyberpunk 2077'
eli_handle_b.wav inserted the overbearing Frank Reynolds from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" into the video game "Cyberpunk 2077".
A Cafe in Tokyo Where Visitors Can Hang Out With Adorable Miniature Pigs
While visiting Tokyo, Nick Gray came across the mipig cafe, where he was able to hang out with all sorts of adorable minature pigs.
A Mesmerizing Documentary About Four Women Finding Peace in Birdwatching
"The Birdwatchers" is a mesmerizing documentary about four different women who find individual peace by watching birds and other animals.